Book Publications
Browse our publications from the acclaimed style guide and retrospective bibliographies to a collection of scholarly essays in the histories of academic disciplines
RILM’s Style Manual
A comprehensive style guide that addresses special problems faced by writers on music, now in its third edition and available as e-book.

RILM Perspectives
RILM Perspectives is a series of conference proceedings sponsored by RILM, exploring major issues in music studies. The inaugural volume, Music’s Intellectual History, documents the conference inspired by the publication of Speaking of Music: Music Conferences, 1835–1966.

RILM Retrospectives
Since 1972 RILM has been publishing topical bibliographies. The two most recent volumes in RILM’s Retrospective series are Speaking of Music: Music Conferences 1835–1966 and Liber Amicorum: Festschriften for Music Scholars and Nonmusicians, 1840–1966.