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United States

RILM National Committee of the United States

Bonna J. Boettcher, chair

Julie Schnepel

The committee operates with the generous support of the MLA, the AMS, IAML-US, the Soc. for American Music, the SEM, the SMT, the CMS, Cornell University, and the Lenore Coral Fund at the Community Foundation of Tompkins County.

Cornell University Music Library
Lincoln Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4101
phone: +1 607 254 6725;
              +1 607 255 7126

Core Journals

  • American music
  • Asian music: Journal of the Society for Asian Music
  • BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute
  • Beethoven forum
  • Black music research journal
  • Brahms studies
  • College music symposium
  • Computer music journal
  • Current musicology
  • Early keyboard journal
  • Ethnomusicology: Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology
  • Fontes artis musicae
  • Historic Brass Society journal
  • In theory only
  • Indiana theory review
  • Intégral
  • JALS: The journal of the American Liszt Society
  • Jazz & culture
  • Jazz perspectives
  • Journal of film music
  • Journal of jazz studies (formerly Annual review of jazz studies)
  • Journal of music history pedagogy
  • Journal of music theory
  • Journal of music theory pedagogy
  • Journal of musicological research
  • Journal of musicology
  • Journal of popular music studies
  • Journal of Schenkerian studies
  • Journal of seventeenth-century music
  • Journal of the American Liszt Society
  • Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society
  • Journal of the American Musicological Society
  • Journal of the Society for American Music
  • Keyboard perspectives
  • Latin American music review/Revista de música latinoamericana
  • Music in art
  • Music perception: An interdisciplinary journal
  • Music theory spectrum
  • Musica judaica
  • The musical quarterly
  • 19th-century music
  • Notes: Quarterly journal of the Music Library Association
  • Popular music & society
  • Psychomusicology: A journal of research in music cognition
  • repercussions
  • Theoria: Historical aspects of music theory
  • Theory and practice
  • Women & music: A journal of gender and culture
  • Yearbook for traditional music

Secondary Journals

  • Other Primary Journals
  • American Brahms Society newsletter
  • American choral review
  • American Music Research Center journal
  • American organist
  • American recorder
  • ARSC journal
  • ARSC newsletter
  • Ballet review
  • Balungan
  • Beethoven journal
  • Bulletin of the CRME
  • Bulletin of the Society for American Music (formerly Sonneck Society for American Music Bulletin)
  • CAS journal (Catgut Acoustical Society)
  • Chinese music
  • Choral journal
  • Clarinet
  • Clavier
  • Computing in musicology
  • Contributions to music education
  • Dance chronicle
  • Dance research journal
  • Diapason
  • Early music America
  • Echo: A music-centered journal
  • Ethnomusicology OnLine
  • Folklife Center news
  • Guitar review
  • Historic Brass Society newsletter
  • Horn call: Journal of the International Horn Society
  • Inter-American music review
  • Intercultural musicology
  • International jazz archives journal
  • Jazz education journal (formerly Jazz educator’s journal)
  • Journal of band research
  • Journal of country music
  • Journal of Jewish music and liturgy
  • Journal of music therapy
  • Journal of research in music education
  • Journal of singing
  • Journal of the Lute Society of America
  • Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society of America
  • Journal of the Violin Society of America
  • Keyboard
  • Kurt Weill newsletter
  • Lead Belly letter
  • Leonardo music journal
  • Living blues
  • Lute Society of America quarterly
  • Medical problems of performing artists
  • Mozart Society of America newsletter
  • Music educators journal
  • Music from China newsletter
  • Music research forum
  • Music theory: Explorations and applications
  • Music theory online
  • NACWPI journal
  • Newsletter of the American Musical Instrument Society
  • Nhac viet
  • 1/1: The journal of the Just Intonation Network
  • Opera news
  • Opera quarterly
  • Pacific review of ethnomusicology
  • Percussive notes
  • Perspectives of new music
  • Philosophy of music education review
  • Piano and keyboard (formerly Piano Quarterly)
  • Polish music journal
  • Resound: Quarterly of the Archive for Traditional Music
  • SEM newsletter
  • Sing Out!
  • Sonus
  • Verdi forum (formerly Verdi newsletter)
  • Women of note quarterly