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RILM hosts the 11th Annual NFAIS Humanities Roundtable, Focus on the Library

19 September 2012

RILM is hosting the Eleventh Annual National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) Humanities Roundtable, Focus on the Library, on Monday, 1 October, 2012, at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (365 Fifth Avenue). The topics for the day include discovery of humanities content in the current library environment, information literacy and training of end-users, best practices for both providers and licensors of high-quality content, criteria libraries use to decide which products and services to invest in, and the digital humanities. For more information, see

Music’s Intellectual History reviewed in Fontes Artis Musicae

29 May 2012

RILM’s volume of essays on music historiography, entitled Music’s Intellectual History, has been reviewed by Peter Sühring in Fontes Artis Musicae 59/1 (January–March 2012) 81–83. For an English translation of the review, click here.